Our Mission

"To be a member driven voice to advance, protect, and preserve the New York Cattle Industry through producer education, youth development, and legislation.”  

NYBPA Purposes and Goals

  • Encourage friendly exchange of ideas among members. 
  • Promote and protect the interest of beef producers in New York State. 
  • Aid members in the purchase, sale and breeding of quality cattle. 
  • Cooperate with Cornell Cooperative Extension, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets and other agencies. 
  • Encourage youth participation in the beef industry. 
  • Promote beef to consumers and create a positive image of the beef industry to the general population. 
  • Lobby to create policy that benefits agriculture in general and the beef industry specifically. 
  • Affiliate with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to effect policy decisions and promote the industry on a national level.

President's Message

I hope that everyone had a great holiday season filled with family, friends, and cattle. I would also like to thank the members of the NYBPA for the opportunity to serve as your President. 

Hopefully, everyone has received their packets and is making plans to join us for the NYBPA Annual Conference on January 24th and 25th. In this packet you will also find Raffle tickets for the freezer full of beef. This Raffle is one of NYBPA's primary fundraisers that helps to fund many of the activities we provide for our members. Please make a valid effort to sell as many tickets as possible (contact Becky Kron for additional tickets). 

The New York Farm show is February 20th through the 22nd. NYBPA will once again have a large presence at the farm show with multiple breeds of beef cattle on display and educational beef programs. We will also be selling one of the most desired meals at the show "Hot Beef Sundaes". We will need volunteers to help serve the beef sundaes (contact Becky Kron or Paul and Karen Glenister to volunteer). 

Looking forward to seeing you in Syracuse for the Annual meeting and the New York Farm Show.


Skip Lear

NYBPA President